
Brad Ipson
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017

“Just a short note to tell you how things have progressed since my retirement. As you know I have never had an annual income anywhere near the national average but with your advice and guidance, since I retired at 61 and rolled my super into an allocated pension, I have been able to live very well and indulge my passion for travel.

Now based in Thailand, I am rarely still for longer than three months and have visited most of the surrounding South East Asian countries. I have taken time out from life in Thailand and have bought a 250cc motorbike. I now find myself in Montenegro in the Balkans on a three month motorcycle tour through Europe.

The trip so far: Ferry to Brittany in France, Tour of D Day sites in Normandy, Ride to Vernon near Paris

to see Monet’s garden, Down to Sarlat le Canada in the Dordogne to see Lascaux II and ride along the VENERVE RIVER VALLEY Carcassonne, walked city Ceret near the Spanish border where Picasso lived and painted day trip over the Pyrenees into Spain. Arles in Provence to tour the Camargue and see pink flamingos Through the Verdun canyon into the French alps at Briancon Up and down the 21 hairpin bends of Alpe Huez. Across Italy stopping at lakes Maggiore and Garda Into Croatia to visit the Plitvice falls and cruise the coastline. Now I am in Kotor in Montenegro, Heading for Albania, Macedonia and Greece.

Having fun and seeing lots. Thanks to your financial planning. So, many thanks to you, I am living the dream of a comfortable, active retirement.”

Dane Jansen
Dane is a Managing Partner/Responsible Manager at Positive Dynamics. He embraces his leadership skills to provide guidance to his clients giving them the confidence and conviction to achieve financial success.
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