Positive Dynamics’ vision has always been to support our clients in achieving the life they have always dreamed of and deserve. We strive to deliver the best financial advise in the industry, something that requires always staying ahead of the game.
Our dedicated team of advisors eat, sleep and breathe finance and investments (OK, maybe we don’t eat it, but we do read about it … a lot), so we decided to share with you a list of our favourite investment books. Whether these books opened our eyes to new ways of investing, offered invaluable advice, or simply inspired us in some way, we think they are all worth a spot on your list of books to read.
My favourite book, and the first I ever read, is not about investment as such. Think and Grow Rich is a personal development and self-improvement book, which advises you on how to thrive during challenging economic times. I found Hill’s knowledge and material to be extremely valuable and I have applied many of his 13 steps outlined in the book throughout my career.
Robbins is truly inspiring. His book provides clear direction towards becoming financially free by offering step-by-step guidance on how to create a fruitful, lifelong income plan. There is no advice more worthy than one from the greatest financial experts of our time!
Security Analysis is the foundation of Value Investing. Even though it was first published in 1934, the concepts outlined by Benjamin Graham are as relevant today as they were after the great depression. I first read Security Analysis while studying at university after a recommendation from my finance lecturer. While not the easiest books to read (it comes off as a textbook at times) the content is well worth the time for anyone interested in investing in individual companies.
Kiyosaki defines assets and liabilities in a way most people wouldn’t expect. He then empowers the reader to focus on collecting assets and avoiding liabilities.
It’s a wide-ranging book, covering such topics as portfolio policy, asset allocation, inflation, diversification, market fluctuation, dividends, and of course Graham’s famous margin of safety. Warren Buffett himself has called it “the best book on investing ever written.”